I am


Becoming myself

I was born in a rural area of Thanh Hoa, a place that holds beautiful memories of my childhood. In high school, I studied Russian but was not very excited. It wasn't until I went to college that I started learning English and from there, opened the door to the world of books.

When I started reading English books, my eyes were opened. College, with its cramped lecture halls and rigid schedules, gradually became cramped for me. I feel a desire to step out of the box, to find myself and the life I want. Like Santiago in Paulo Coelho's "The Alchemist" or Herman Hesse's Siddhartha, I am determined to pursue the journey of finding myself, searching for the true meaning of life.

I opened my own learning journey…

Learn foreign languages and make friends with older foreign friends

First, I made friends with older foreign friends working in Vietnam. Among them, I am closest to Mr. Chuck Searcy, President of Veterans for Peace. Mr. Chuck is not only a friend, but also a teacher, who has opened many new doors for me about the meaning of life. Then during operation Book Hunter I got to know Uncle Tom Wilber, an independent American author - who told stories about the American anti-war movement and his father's life of struggle through "Dissident Prisoners of War". Expert Peter Kuznick - author of the book "The Untold Story of America".

French theater performance organized by HANU in conjunction with the Wallonia-Bruxelles delegation

Filming a French curriculum in Laos

Sponsored to participate in Amazing Thailand Film Festival.

Leave university to study on your own and choose to participate in special study programs

I taught myself English and French without attending formal classes, but found my own path through reading books, watching movies, and even practicing plays. Every book, movie or play is like a living lesson, helping me contact and immerse myself in the language in the most natural way. When reading books, I not only learn vocabulary and grammar, but also learn how to think and feel the way a native speaker does. Watching movies helps me listen and understand pronunciation, intonation, and how native speakers communicate every day. Acting and making movies gives me the opportunity to practice pronunciation, expressions and even gain a deeper understanding of culture and character psychology.

In 2015, I received a scholarship from Interface Francophone's Civil Society Program. The program exposed me to social activities in France and Germany and experienced life in Paris, Nice, Monaco, Rouen, Belle Plagne in the Alps, and Neuss in Germany.

With professors at Interface Francophone

With Jean Noel Poirier - former French Ambassador to Vietnam during his time in office, 2015

Book Hunter – Where I belong and truly grow


at Book Hunter 2023

In 2012, I started a new chapter in my life when I joined Book Hunter, a group of young book and movie lovers where everyone comes together to share ideas and reflections. It's a special place where I feel free and be myself.

At Book Hunter, I am not only a member, but also an active contributor. I started translating political theory and philosophy studies. This job not only helps me learn and develop my knowledge but also helps me expand my view of the world. It's like a journey of discovery where I can reach deep and rich thoughts.

Besides, I also participate in organizing and running academic activities at Book Hunter. From organizing discussions and seminars to managing academic projects, I feel like I am growing every day. Not only did I learn how to lead and organize, but I also learned how to listen and understand others.

At Book Hunter, I feel like I can be myself and become fully myself. It is where I am free to express my opinions, accepted and appreciated. Every day at Book Hunter is a day of learning, growing, and becoming the best version of yourself.

Big knowledge projects I've done with Book Hunter

Book talk event in Saigon, 2019, about the role of knowledge in urban development.

Organizes publishing and runs academic activities at Book Hunter

Exchanging with Ha Thuy Nguyen at the Foundational Knowledge Festival - First Edition, 2023

Chat about Aristotle at Book Hunter.

Representing Book Hunter as the Jury of the MIRRORS Book Contest at Foreign Trade University, Hanoi, 2023.

The journey of Book Hunter, where I am currently attached, is really not easy. We have chosen a difficult path, focusing on publishing academic and literary books of a metaphysical and philosophical nature. This sometimes makes us feel like we are swimming upstream in a volatile market and following easy tastes.

Not wanting to compromise with market trends, we faced many challenges. But, together with Ha Thuy Nguyen and other great teammates, we kept trying and overcoming all difficulties. And you know, we have succeeded in launching many valuable works:

We publish foundational philosophical books by Aristotle, Schopenhauer, and other Greek philosophical authors. Each book is a journey of deep discovery into the human cognitive mind.

We also bring to readers religious and literary classics such as the Bhagavad Gita, Rumi's poetry, Oscar Wilde, Edgar Allan Poe... These works are an endless source of inspiration for freedom and spiritual depth.

In addition, we also research and study many socio-political issues, from the electoral system, development investment, degrowth, climate change, to urban governance and culinary policy. … These works provide a deep and comprehensive view of the world around us.

Last, but not least, are the ideas on liberal education from Krishnamurti and John Holt. These works challenge and expand thinking about how we learn and educate.

Each book, each project is a step forward, a small victory for Book Hunter and for myself. Every time I work on books, I forget about the difficulties that lurk in order to be completely myself.

Accompanying Ha Thuy Nguyen's literary career

I want to tell about Ha Thuy Nguyen, who has been a great inspiration in my journey with Book Hunter, not only in intellectual pursuits but also in the book business. Ha Thuy Nguyen, with her profound knowledge and strong passion, has not only been a companion but also a guide for me.

During the past years, along with Ha Thuy Nguyen, I have devoted all my enthusiasm and energy to building Book Hunter. Every step, every decision, no matter how small, is aimed at creating a quality knowledge community where everyone can share and develop together.

The closer I get in spirit to Ha Thuy Nguyen, the more I realize that behind the talented leader of Book Hunter, there is still a writer with natural talent and a deep, distant soul. Since organizing Book Hunter, Ha Thuy Nguyen has left an unfinished literary career open, a promising career and I believe it needs to continue. Therefore, I decided to contribute, within my ability, to Ha Thuy Nguyen's satisfaction in expressing all her long-cherished literary potential.

Together with Book Hunter, I have contributed to bringing Ha Thuy Nguyen's works to readers like poetry collections “The wild season” (Writers & Book Hunter Association Publishing House, 2016), poetry collection “Lie down and watch the stars fall” (Writers & Book Hunter Association Publishing House, 2020), a historical novel of the Le Mat period “Thien Dia Phong Tran” (Book Hunter & Vietnamese Women's Publishing House, 2022 - republished volume 1, currently writing volume 3 and also the final volume), Short story collections “Gallery & Shadows” (Book Hunter & Da Nang Publishing House, 2023), translation of the poetry collection “Rumi – The mystic and the drunkard” (Literature Publishing House, 2023)… For me, it is not only pride but also proof of our fateful meeting in this world.

Chat about practical issues with leading figures in the world in many fields

I don't just stop at translating books, but also believe that knowledge truly exists through the people who create it. That's why I decided to conduct interviews with experts, both from abroad and at home, to explore and share insights on social issues.

Each interview is an opportunity for me to learn, ask deeply and discover different perspectives and thoughts about the situations we are facing. Through this, I not only learn from people with experience and expertise, but also have the opportunity to reflect these insights to the wider community.

Latest videos

The video I like the most

Building independent young intellectuals through training & encouraging academic translation

For me, translation is not only a translation from one language to another, but also a profound journey to understand and spread knowledge and culture. I believe that every great civilization in the world began building its knowledge base from the foundation of translation.

My video chat about Translation

When building a team of translators, I don't care about their age or background. What's important to me is their ability and dedication to their work. They might be Little translator Lily is only 9 years old, can also be a Yoga expert passionate about the profession like Sophia Ngo, or maybe an English teacher who is also looking for his calling in life like Quach Trong... I always set specific criteria to ensure translation quality:

Translate Correct Meaning: I want all works to be translated honestly and accurately, without bias or literary obfuscation. This requires a deep understanding of the original and sophisticated translation ability.

Cultural Transmission: I value translation not only at the verbal level but also the cultural background behind the work. This helps readers not only understand the original work but also feel its unique spirit and cultural context.

Respect the Author: In each translated work, I always emphasize respecting the nuance, style and spirit of the author. This requires the translator to limit his or her personal ego, to ensure that the work is conveyed most accurately and completely.

Through this process, I hope to contribute to building a rich and diverse knowledge base, where each translated work is a bridge between cultures and knowledge around the world.

And if you ask me how I learned business, this is the path I chose

My business education journey was a bit unusual. I did not study conventional business courses (because in truth, they did not suit my qualities), but studied political management theory. Seems unrelated, right? I realized that a deep understanding of political governance theories not only opened up new perspectives on how society works, but also provided me with valuable lessons on leadership. , manage, and operate an organization.

Through studying these theories, I learned how to analyze, plan and implement strategies in complex and diverse environments. I also learned to look at problems from different perspectives, evaluate the impact of decisions, and better understand how power and influence can be used to achieve goals.

Gradually, when applied in practice to what Book Hunter and I are facing, I see the effectiveness. I may lack the specific skills of a professional business student, but I believe I know the principles that few people know.

Books that I organized and participated in translating
